
The Siren's Song

"The Siren's Song," as sung by Serina Melosine, bard of Qeynos Harbor.
Studying sirens can be very dangerous. Their songs can lull the most hardened adventurer to his doom. Instead of studying actual sirens in the Norrathian waters, these lovelies are instead represented by the song of one of the most celebrated bards of her time.
Sing with me, songs from days gone by.
Sing of the men who have passed our way.
Our song they cannot deny!
Though I am bound to the sea
And I mean not to lead them astray
Many are the men who come to me
All along the shores I sing
Through the night and into day
Touching the mariners' heartstring
My long hair is green as softest sea-foam
As soft as the ocean's spray
My melody follows the men as they roam
Do you hear the song of the sea?
From aboard your ship as it sways?
Do you feel the need to fall in love with me?
I am a siren, sisters are we
Come to us, come to us and stay
The siren's song will set you free
Join with me now in Prexus' depths
Nothing but water can come between us
I promise you a boundless joy
Sing with me, mariner, a soft song
That flows like time across Norrath's seaway
The call of the siren can be so strong
The mariners last not, they never remain
And soon, their cold flesh turns to grey
We sirens begin again our refrain
Sing with me, songs from days gone by.
Sing of the men who have passed our way.
Our song they cannot deny!T face=Verdana>Sing of the men who have passed our way.
Our song they cannot deny!
Though I am bound to the sea
And I mean not to lead them astray
Many are the men who come to me
All along the shores I sing
Through the night and into day
Touching the mariners' heartstring
My long hair is green as softest sea-foam
As soft as the ocean's spray
My melody follows the men as they roam
Do you hear the song of the sea?
From aboard your ship as it sways?
Do you feel the need to fall in love with me?
I am a siren, sisters are we
Come to us, come to us and stay
The siren's song will set you free
Join with me now in Prexus' depths
Nothing but water can come between us
I promise you a boundless joy
Sing with me, mariner, a soft song